Early bird
The price is valid from 06/04/2024 to 09/14/2024.
Price is valid from 09/15/2024.
Minimum amount of ticket purchase 4.
The ticket is intended watch the event only online.


Tickets for this group can be purchased by: people who manage an e-commerce business (goods and services*) or work in an e-commerce business, representatives and employees of manufacturing companies, students, people who plan to develop an e-commerce business, members of non-governmental organizations.
*e-commerce is not considered services that receive income from their services to e-commerce businesses.

Early bird (Only for e-sellers)
Early Bird e-seller ticket. The price is valid from 06/04/2024 to 09/14/2024.
Regular (Only for e-sellers)
Regular e-seller ticket. Price is valid from 09/15/2024.
Group (Only for e-sellers)
Group tickets for e-seller. Minimum amount of ticket purchase 4.
Online (Only for e-sellers)
The ticket is intended for e-sellers who want to watch the event only online.