Konferencijos programa

Informacija nuolat pildoma.
08:30 - 09:30

Registracija. Kava. Paroda

EN09:30 - 10:05

How GenZ will shape e-commerce

GenZ right now presents is 25% of the population and within the next 5 years it will be 27% of the workforce. How it will impact e-commerce and what businesses should do now.


10:05 - 10:10


EN10:10 - 10:40

How to use a CDP and Marketing Automation to make marketing teams more efficient and drive more results

With 20 years of CDP and marketing automation experience, Greg will discuss:
– Martech market development for eCommerce in a post-pandemic and cookieless world.
– Why CDPs are replacing CRM systems.
– Reaching Customer Intimacy powered by Zero Party data – a true individualized experience
– Navigating recession by deploying Lean Marketing principles in eCommerce

10:40 - 10:45


EN10:45 - 11:15

Marketplaces in post pandemic world

Dalia’s speech will cover the following topics:

  • Overview of Marketplaces in the world
  • How covid affected e-commerce: sellers and shoppers
  • E-commerce in post pandemic world – Future trends
11:15 - 11:20


EN11:20 - 11:50

E-commerce Resilience Amidst Adversity: Navigating Challenges and Unveiling Opportunities in Ukraine

Challenges Faced by Ukrainian E-commerce
Emerging Online Initiatives
E-commerce Solutions and Trends in Ukraine.

11:50 - 11:55


LT11:55 - 12:25

Spustelėkite, išsirinkite ir ragaukite: naujasis šviežio maisto pristatymo amžius

Diskusiją moderuoja:

  • Vytautas Vorobjovas


Pastaruoju metu Europos Sąjungoje, o taip pat ir Lietuvoje, stebimos šviežio maisto pristatymo sektoriaus brendimo tendencijos, liudijančios apie neišnaudotą potencialą. 65% E-pirkėjų nuo COVID-19 pradžios pradėjo pirkti maisto produktus internetu arba ėmė tai daryti dažniau. 2022-aisias metais 38 % reguliarių Lietuvos E-pirkėjų įsigijo maisto produktus internetu bent kartą į mėnesį.

Šiame pristatyme gilinamasi į „DPD Lietuva“ kelionę atsižvelgiant į šią ilgalaikę tendenciją. Išsiaiškinsime, kodėl bendrovė pasinėrė į šviežio maisto pristatymo sferą ir pabendrausime apie šiandienos šviežio maisto pristatymo galimybes bei perspektyvas šiai nišai augti.

12:25 - 12:30


EN12:30 - 13:00

E-com Case Study: How to Improve Paid Acquisition Campaigns with Affiliate Marketing Strategy

In this case study, we reveal how we boosted our e-commerce business when Meta ads began underperforming for us. Learn how we integrated Affiliate Marketing to enhance our paid acquisition campaigns.

13:00 - 14:00

Ilgoji pertrauka. Paroda

EN14:00 - 14:30

1 billion eyes on Youtube: 6 biggest mistakes we did in Influencer Marketing that unlocked a global success

Collaborating with influencers is a thrilling ride, especially with the backing of over 3000 global opinion leaders. Yet, Atlas VPN journey wasn’t without its bumps – we encountered 6 colossal blunders. The intriguing part? These very missteps transformed into our undercover assets, propelling us toward the global scale. Let’s unwrap each goof-up and embrace how all the oopsies can make you a champ in the pretty wild world of influencer marketing.


14:30 - 14:35


LT14:35 - 15:05

Pirkėjo finansinė padėtis 2024 metais – kokių pokyčių ji atneš e-komercijos sektoriui?


15:05 - 15:10


LT15:10 - 15:40

Diskusija. E. prekybos sprendimų diegimas Įmonėje: Svarbiausi Iššūkiai ir praktiniai pavyzdžiai

Diskusijoje dalyvauja:

  • Tadas Norušaitis, technologijų bendrovės „LastMile“ vienas įkūrėjų ir generalinis direktorius
  • Egidijus Kazlauskas, draudimo platinimo veiklos įmonės „Beesure EU“ vadovas
  • Aistė Lacitė, „Raudonos nosys Gydytojai klounai“ vadovė
15:40 - 15:55

Pertrauka. Kava. Paroda

EN15:55 - 16:25

Pulsetto Indiegogo journey - how to sell 350k on crowdfunding and then scale web sales from 0 to 3 mln yearly

Failures and success with Indiegogo pre-launch phase, first 72 hours of the launch, during the campaign and actions after the campaign. How to exploit Indiegogo success to the web sales scale.


16:25 - 16:30


EN16:30 - 17:00

How to Sell Intention in Fashion

The tried and tested method doesn’t always translate to better bottom line. Instead of selling category wise (clothing/footwear/accesories) or deep discounting as a sales plug, we decided to merchandise our fashion catalog in the way the customer shops – aspiration, intention and themes instead of discounting and brands. The results were spectacular. I am here to show you what happened when we bet for a more emotional and intelligent shopping funnel.


17: 00

Violetinės salės pranešimų pabaiga

8:30 - 9:30

Registracija. Kava. Paroda

EN9:30 - 10:05

Composable Commerce: The Future of Digital Business

Composable Commerce is revolutionizing digital business by moving away from monolithic platforms towards best-of-breed ecosystems with strong SaaS API economy. Gartner predicts 80% higher success for organizations adopting composable strategy.
Discover how to jump on the composable train and stay ahead in the fast-moving world of digital commerce.


10:05 - 10:10


EN10:10 - 10:40

The Future of E-Commerce: Marketplace Revolution & the crucial role of Payments

We will be looking into major e-commerce trends, the continuous shift towards platforms and marketplaces and how a modular and flexible payment infrastructure can help to make that shift profitably.


10:40 - 10:45


EN10:45 - 11:15

Mastering Omni-Channel Sales: Unlocking North America's market Potential

In this presentation, we will delve into the strategies, insights, and various tools essential for harnessing the power of omni-channel sales in the dynamic North American market. Join us as we explore how to navigate the landscape, leverage different tools, reach a diverse audience, and capitalize on the region’s immense business opportunities.


11:15 - 11:20


EN11:20 - 11:50

Unlocking the Untapped Potential: why Central and Southern Europe is the future of cross-border e-commerce

Are you sending your parcels abroad? Nowadays cross-border e-commerce is not an option anymore – it became mandatory to succeed in the industry. With the Baltic market becoming fuller and fuller, it’s time to change direction! You probably think “If so, then I should ship to Western Europe. These markets are rich!”. Let me surprise you!

Western Europe is rich, indeed. But also, extremely competitive. On the other hand, Central and Southern Europe look like a hidden gem – these markets are growing quickly, consumers are very conscious and there is still plenty of room for foreign goods! Moreover, people there are curious and open to products from abroad.

In this presentation you’re going to find out:

– Why Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Poland, Slovenia and Croatia are the future of cross-border e-commerce
– Why it’s better to ship there than to Western Europe
– What you must know about these markets
– How to do it and who can help you

Let me take you to a cross-border adventure 😊 I’ll be your guide!


11:50 - 11:55


EN11:55 - 12:25

E-commerce taxation in practice: how to ensure sustainable business growth?

E-commerce businesses seem very attractive at first sight, with their promise of unlimited income opportunities, global reach, and the freedom to operate from anywhere. However, as your business grows and expands to global markets, so do the obligations and in compliance risk. The attractiveness quickly fades when taxation enters the picture, bringing with it all not-so-sexy stuff, like tax registrations, periodic returns preparation, compliance assurance, and endless communication with tax institutions worldwide.

As someone who deals with taxes daily and understands their complexity internationally, I want to share important aspects of e-commerce taxation with you.

During my presentation at EcomExpo, I’ll tell you what’s essential to consider when entering the USA market and how to enter the European market successfully. Additionally, I’ll cover the advantages and disadvantages of running your business through marketplaces and will address the importance of compliance not only for your successful business but as well for economics and our all well-being.

Tax compliance is a complicated and not-so-sexy topic. Therefore, my goal is to change this thinking and to give you a very basic understanding of how the tax system works and what impact compliance has on all of us.


12:25 - 12:30


EN12:30 - 13:00

Creating Space, Labour, Energy and Environmental Efficiency in Supply Chain Operations



13:00 - 14:00

Ilgoji pertrauka. Paroda

LT14:00 - 14:30

Sėkminga elektroninės prekybos finansų navigacija: Iššūkiai ir sprendimai


14:30 - 14:35


EN14:35 - 15:05

Does your site search do the job?

In the rapidly evolving landscape of online retail, effective site search has become paramount to enhance user experience and drive conversions. This presentation delves into the world of eCommerce search software, uncovering its pivotal role in ensuring your website’s search functionality hits the mark every time.

With consumers increasingly demanding seamless and intuitive online shopping experiences, it’s crucial for businesses to implement advanced search solutions that understand user intent, deliver accurate results, and provide personalized recommendations. “Is Your Site Search on Target?” explores the key features and benefits of cutting-edge eCommerce search software, shedding light on how it empowers businesses to:

  • Understand User Intent: Discover how sophisticated algorithms and natural language processing enable eCommerce search engines to decipher user intent, even when expressed through vague or complex queries.
  • Precision in Results: Learn how intelligent search software refines search results, presenting the most relevant products to customers promptly, ultimately reducing bounce rates and increasing conversion rates.
  • Personalization: Explore the role of machine learning in creating personalized shopping experiences, where search results are tailored to individual preferences, previous behaviors, and browsing history.
  • Faceted Navigation: Understand the significance of faceted navigation in guiding users through a seamless product discovery journey, allowing them to filter and refine search results effortlessly.
  • Voice and Visual Search: Delve into the future of eCommerce search with voice and visual search capabilities, enabling customers to find products using spoken commands or images.
  • Analytics and Insights: Discover how data-driven insights provided by eCommerce search software empower businesses to make informed decisions, optimize search performance, and identify emerging trends.
  • Integration and Scalability: Gain insights into integrating eCommerce search solutions into existing platforms and scaling them to accommodate growing product catalogs and user demands.

Join us as we delve into the realm of eCommerce search software and unveil the strategies that can transform your site search from a functional component to a powerful tool for enhancing customer satisfaction, increasing conversions, and ultimately driving business growth. Whether you’re new to eCommerce search or seeking to enhance your current strategy, this presentation equips you with the knowledge needed to keep your site search right on target.


15:05 - 15:10


EN15:10 - 15:40

Evolving consumer shopping trends: Navigating the modern retail landscape



15:40 - 15:55

Pertrauka. Kava. Paroda

EN15:55 - 16:25

Wolt Drive - From your store to their door in less than an hour

How Wolt Drive enables local businesses to offer their customers easy express delivery and enable them to grow their online business.

16:25 - 16:30


EN16:30 - 17:00

Dirbtiniu intelektu ir duomenų analitika grįstas e-komercijos personalizavimas: kaip įveikti teisinius iššūkius

Vartotojai vis dažniau ieško personalizuotos patirties internete, o e-komercijos įmonės į tai reaguoja, siūlydamos vartotojui pritaikytą reklamą ir rekomendacijas ir tam pasitelkdamos dirbtinio intelekto ir duomenų analitikos sprendimus. Dėl e-komercijos personalizavimo dažnai tenka peržengti privatumo ribas arba jis kertasi su vartotojų teisėmis, ir tai kelia teisinių ir etinių klausimų. Pranešimo tikslas – aptarti pagrindinius teisinius iššūkius ir būdus, kaip juos įveikti, išlaikant atitiktį teisės aktams ir etiškumą.



LT17:05 - 18:05

LP EXPRESS ir Inovacijų agentūros organizuotų „Mylimiausios Lietuvos elektroninės parduotuvės” rinkimų apdovanojimai ir diskusija apie e. verslų sėkmės receptą.

Naujiena! Pirmieji Lietuvoje Mylimiausios Lietuvos elektroninės parduotuvės rinkimai, kuriuos inicijuoja LP EXPRESS ir Inovacijų Agentūra.

– Iki rugsėjo 10 d. nominuok savo mylimiausią Lietuvos elektroninę parduotuvę.
– Rugsėjo 18-29 d. balsuok už mylimiausią Lietuvos elektroninę parduotuvę.
– Spalio 5 dieną, renginio metu, bus skelbiami ir apdovanojami nugalėtojai! Vyks diskusija apie e.verslų sėkmės receptą. Diskusijos moderatorius – Linas Šiautkulis, media agentūros BPN INTENSE vadovas, Lietuvos marketingo asociacijos valdybos pirmininkas.

Visa informacija – https://post.lt/lt/mylimiausia-eparduotuve

8:30 - 9:30

Registracija. Kava. Paroda

EN9:30 - 10:00

Understanding Micro-Segmentation and Hyper-Personalization in B2B and B2C Marketing

This presentation titled “Understanding Micro-Segmentation and Hyper-Personalization in B2B and B2C Marketing” is a comprehensive exploration of the strategic marketing approaches of micro-segmentation and hyper-personalization.

The presentation begins with an introduction to these concepts, highlighting their growing relevance in today’s digital marketing landscape. It proceeds to define micro-segmentation as a method of subdividing markets into smaller customer groups, thereby promoting a deeper understanding of customer behavior and facilitating more targeted marketing strategies. It also presents hyper-personalization as an advanced form of personalization that employs real-time data and AI to provide user-specific content or product information.

The subsequent sections explore the differences in micro-segmentation and hyper-personalization in B2B and B2C contexts, elaborating on how target audiences and marketing objectives influence these strategies. It includes examples of how these approaches can be implemented differently in B2B and B2C scenarios.

The presentation then moves on to enumerate the benefits of these strategic approaches for both businesses and customers, utilizing case studies and real-life examples for enhanced understanding. Following this, it delves into the impact of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on micro-segmentation and hyper-personalization, and how businesses can maintain GDPR compliance while still executing personalized marketing strategies.

The penultimate section of the presentation discusses common errors businesses commit while implementing these approaches and offers suggestions on how these can be avoided.

In the conclusion, the presentation summarizes its key points and outlines prospective trends in micro-segmentation and hyper-personalization for both B2B and B2C marketing, and also leaves time for audience questions and discussion.



10:05 - 10:10


EN10:10 - 10:40

From Zero to E-Commerce Hero: AI's 25-Minute Masterclass

Embarking on an e-commerce journey has never been more accessible, thanks to the advancements in AI technology. In this enlightening 25-minute presentation, attendees will be taken on a whirlwind tour of how AI tools can revolutionize the process of creating an e-commerce brand from the ground up. We’ll delve into the practical steps and AI-driven strategies that can transform a mere idea into a thriving online business in record time. Whether you’re new to the digital marketplace or seeking to enhance your existing platform, this masterclass promises actionable insights and a fresh perspective on e-commerce. Prepare to harness the power of AI and elevate your online business game!


10:40 - 10:45


EN10:45 - 11:15

Emotion-Driven Personalization: Digital Marketing Beyond Data Challenges in Small Markets

In the presentation, I will explore the importance of personalized advertising in small markets, highlighting the challenges of audience segmentation due to limited audience sizes and the emergence of a cookie-less world knocking on our doors.

An alternative in small markets is to look beyond the simple performance actions that are currently mastered by almost everyone. By creating memorable campaigns/messages that trigger people’s emotions, advertising can be just as effectively personalized as offers.

In other words – let’s embrace Creative Performance!

11:15 - 11:20


EN11:20 - 11:50

Multichannel marketing solutions for ecommerce

It’s still a time where direct marketing channels like Email and SMS works tremendously good for building customer trust and brand experience. Even when we look at sales results, for many e-commerce businesses direct channels brings the most of revenue.

Today we are supposed to build our communication plans with multichannel tools and add more and more new options, like WhatsApp, Web-push and others.

During the presentation we’ll look at several case studies to understand the power behind multichannel
marketing automation.


11:50 - 11:55


EN11:55 - 12:25

Using Data to Maximise Profit

This presentation is all about how you need to think about using data better to drive increased profit. Tim will be talking about how to enhance the data and therefore knowledge you have on your customers. Tim’ll also be speaking about how to exploit what data you have in a way that your customers love and your bottom line will love too.


12:25 - 12:30


LT12:30 - 13:00

Diskusija. Milijono eurų vertės klausimas: marketingas “pasidaryk pats” ar išorinė agentūra?


13:00 - 14:00

Ilgoji pertrauka. Paroda

EN14:00 - 14:30

From Vilnius to 14mln Active Buyers in 3 Easy Steps With Allegro

E-commerce in Central and Eastern Europe is developing quickly thanks to rapidly-growing interest in online shopping and a vibrant digital landscape. Some of Europe’s most exciting e-commerce opportunities are now in the east, but accessing them requires thorough market research. In order to expand successfully, you need to understand local buyers and the e-commerce dynamics in the region – let Allegro be your business guide to success.

Learn about e-commerce in CEE and Poland, and find out how to use marketing tools we offer (like Allegro Analytics and Adds) to understand better Polish consumers. Discover key success factors and cross-border expansion opportunities with us!

14:30 - 14:35


EN14:35 - 15:05

Amazon Advertising - the secret ingredient of eCommerce success.

In the presentation, Klaidas will talk about the foundations and importance of eCommerce advertising and more specifically – Amazon Advertising. We will understand why selling and advertising on Amazon could be a game-changer for your brand and how to reach the highest potential of your business.


15:05 - 15:10


EN15:10 - 15: 40

AI Insights: Deciphering Online Content for Enhanced Brand Reputation & eCommerce Success

“AI Insights: Deciphering Online Content for Enhanced Brand Reputation & eCommerce Success”, promises to unveil the potency of machine learning algorithms in comprehending online content. Learn how these algorithms not only shape brand reputation but also how strategic review monitoring can significantly boost eCommerce conversion rates.

In this digital age, understanding the nexus between machine learning and online reputation isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity. Join Domas at Ecomexpo ’23 and equip yourself with insights that are bound to revolutionize your brand’s digital journey.

15:40- 15:55


EN15:55 - 16:25

AI & SEO unleashed: supercharge your content and marketing efforts with ChatGPT

During this masterclass, Ruslan will share invaluable insights and practical tips on how to harness the power of AI and SEO to supercharge your marketing efforts.


The next generation of search
– Next-gen Google: The difference between search engine and reasoning engine
– The future of search: Predictions and possibilities

SEO + AI Tactical strategies
– SEO + ChatGPT possibilities & tactics
– SEO strategies with AI integrations: Tips, tools
– Q&A

16:25 - 17:00

Oranžinės salės pranešimų pabaiga. Paroda

8:30 - 10:00

Registracija. Kava. Paroda

LT9:30 - 10:15

Seminarų kambarys 1.2. Kaip paversti prekių grąžinimus Jūsų verslo privalumu?

EN9:30 - 10:15

Seminar room 1.3. Europe's growth engine: how to conquer the CEE market with Allegro

Workshop lectures:
Katarzyna Rosa, Allegro – “Landscape of the CEE e-commerce market, local buyers profile + practical tips on how to boost sales with Allegro in the CEE”
Kacper Rozenbaum, Baselinker – “Manage your sales on Allegro effortlessly with BaseLinker”
Alex Fridman, WAPI – “How fulfillment can help you earn more?”


E-commerce in Central and Eastern Europe is developing very fast thanks to rapidly-growing interest in online shopping and a vibrant digital landscape. Some of Europe’s most exciting e-commerce opportunities are now in the east, but accessing them requires thorough market research. To expand successfully, you need to understand local buyers and the e-commerce dynamics in the region, where standard Western European rules do not apply so well.


In this workshop, we will guide you through some unique characteristics of the e-commerce landscape in CEE, particularly in Poland and Czechia, and discuss typical consumer behaviors and expectations. You will learn how to expand your business through the biggest marketplace of European origin – Allegro.
Discover practical tips on how to succeed on the platform and boost your sales through special programs or fulfillment services. Learn how an established marketplace can help you overcome cross-border barriers. We will help you identify key success factors and design a winning strategy for a smooth expansion to Poland and other markets. Last but not least, we are happy to announce that during the seminar with Allegro, you will be able to meet our partners: Baselinker and WAPI, whose support may help start your adventure with Allegro.

10:15 - 10:45


LT10:45 - 11:30

Seminarų kambarys 1.2. Nestandartinės galimybės plėtrai – kur ir kaip augti, kai Lietuvos rinka jau užkariauta? Diskusija, kurioje dalyvauja OMNIVA ir verslo partneriai

EN10:45 - 11:30

Seminar room 1.3. Europe's growth engine: how to conquer the CEE market with Allegro

Workshop lectures:
Katarzyna Rosa, Allegro – “Landscape of the CEE e-commerce market, local buyers profile + practical tips on how to boost sales with Allegro in the CEE”
Kacper Rozenbaum, Baselinker – “Manage your sales on Allegro effortlessly with BaseLinker”
Alex Fridman, WAPI – “How fulfillment can help you earn more?”


E-commerce in Central and Eastern Europe is developing very fast thanks to rapidly-growing interest in online shopping and a vibrant digital landscape. Some of Europe’s most exciting e-commerce opportunities are now in the east, but accessing them requires thorough market research. To expand successfully, you need to understand local buyers and the e-commerce dynamics in the region, where standard Western European rules do not apply so well.


In this workshop, we will guide you through some unique characteristics of the e-commerce landscape in CEE, particularly in Poland and Czechia, and discuss typical consumer behaviors and expectations. You will learn how to expand your business through the biggest marketplace of European origin – Allegro.
Discover practical tips on how to succeed on the platform and boost your sales through special programs or fulfillment services. Learn how an established marketplace can help you overcome cross-border barriers. We will help you identify key success factors and design a winning strategy for a smooth expansion to Poland and other markets. Last but not least, we are happy to announce that during the seminar with Allegro, you will be able to meet our partners: Baselinker and WAPI, whose support may help start your adventure with Allegro.

11:30 - 11:45


LT11:45 - 13:15

Seminarų kambarys 1.3. Prekyba Suomijoje: kaip būti sėkmingu? Pigu.lt seminaras



Seminarų kambarys 1.2. Tvaresnių Kalėdų link. Diskusija, kurioje dalyvauja OMNIVA ir verslo partneriai

13:15 - 14:30

Ilgoji Pertrauka. Paroda